ITEM! ... but that doesn’t usually stop me from saying it anyway! Coming this November to a quality cultural venue near you — Stan’s Soapbox! This 144-page prestigious paperback production will include (among other goodies) every single Stan’s Soapbox written from 1967 to 1980, just as it originally appeared in our Batty Bullpen Bulletins. And best of all, this titanic tome is being published by the Hero Initiative, and if you don’t already know what a worthy cause that one is, then it’s time to turn in your Spidey Underoos! Or you could just go here and educate yourself, oh bewildered one. Get your orders in fast for this one, pilgrims... it may sell out early on it’s way to the New York Times Bestseller List. Heck, why order just one? Get a Brubaker’s Dozen so you can hand ‘em out as Christmas presents this year. Attention all English Lit professors: educational discounts may be available should you wish to include this soon-to-be literary classic into your curriculum!
And before someone asks, no word yet on the sequel entitled Son of Stan’s Soapbox (either that or Bring On The Blogs... I haven't decided yet), but we’ll keep yah informed as further developments arise!
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