Wednesday, April 16, 2008


ITEM! For those of you old enough to remember (and please take a much-deserved bow and another lovin' spoonful of Geritol if you are), once upon a tireless time there was a small group of dedicated fans who belonged to a little organization called the Merry Marvel Marching Society. Ah, those were the days. They don’t make frenzied fandom like that anymore, pilgrims. We didn’t have the World Wide Webs way back then, so fans could only express their heartfelt love for all things Marvel by wearing buttons on their bellbottoms and putting stickers on their Volkswagen Buses.

Your Uncle Stan kinda misses those halcyon days of yore, and I’ve decided to do something about it. Announcing all-new versions of the all-time favorite way for Marvelites to stop traffic and generate minor accident reports: MMMS Bumper Stickers, the Next Generation (Marvel Studios Edition). They’re only in the perilous prototype stage right now, pilgrims, but I’ve got my adopted great-grandson, Irving Forbush III, slaving away over his hot l’il laptop producing ready-to-print-out versions even as we blog. Apparently Photoshop will let you Photoshoppingly Photoshop Photoshopish Photoshop files anytime, anywhere. That wasn’t a plug, by the way... Forbushman just bet me I couldn’t use the word Photoshop as a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, subject and object, all in the same sentence. You owe me a virgin slo-gin fizz at the airport bar, Irv! See the exemplary examples above for a precious and precocious preview of these must-have auto adornments! As always, your insightful and inspired input is always welcome...

Speaking of Honest Irv, he of the cape and pan-like-helmet and Yours Truly will be flying out for New York later today. He swears that I will be able to use his McBook Pro to keep posting to this blog while we travel, even though I'm all used to the Dell on my desk at home. There’ll be lots to report, so I hope he’s right True Believers! See ya at the show!


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