ITEM! By the time you read these imperishable words, the teaser trailer to the upcoming The Incredible Hulk movie will be knockin’ em dead from border-to-border and coast-to-coast on the World Wide Intraweb. And by the way, if you live in one of those totalitarian countries that tries to block Intranets access, just email your local government official and ask ‘em when you’ll be able to see this titanic trailer (if you live in Cuba, imagine how that will shake ‘em up!). If an 85-year-old Geritol-addict born before the Great Depression can figure this stuff out, you can too True Believer!
Unbelievably, my scene-stealing cameo is not featured in the teaser, but I’ll bet you millions-to-mutants that it’ll be included in the next one. In the manic meantime, pilgrim, you can assuage your aching appetite for all things gamma-irradiated by watching your Uncle Stanley erratically expound on how the Jolly Green Giant came to be at about 5:18 into the following vivacious video. Irving Forbush says that he’s going to embed me below this copy, but I told Irresistible Irving that your Uncle Stanley doesn’t web-sling that way. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Any-hoo... Enjoy oh Hulkophile!
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